Addington Park Christmas Trees
Addington Park Christmas Trees
1520 Sunraysia Highway, Addington VIC 3352, Australia. SOLD OUT FOR 2024
2024 Update: Please note that we have sold out of trees for 2024.
Due to reduced numbers of trees to previous floods experienced on our farm in 2021/2022 and the amazing support of customers over the last few days we have sold out of trees for 2024. Whilst we were devastated by the floods we will continue to build tree number back up for the coming years.
Located at 1520 Sunraysia Highway, Addington (drive along the highway through Learmonth and continue towards Waubra we are located 5kms west of Learmonth). Look for the candy canes at the entry gate.
Addington Park Christmas Tree Farm is family owned and we all love Christmas! We take pride in growing and shaping trees for you and your family to enjoy at this very special time of year. Come out and pick your very own fragrant tree straight off the farm and enjoy the beautiful back drop of Mt Bolton in the background.

1520 Sunraysia Highway
Addington Vic 3352